Stop feeling constantly overwhelmed in social work.
It doesn't have to be crazy in social work. Too many case notes to write. Assessments to do. Clients to see.
Becoming Better is the book that helps you do social work faster and better.
We interviewed and studied the habits of the best social workers in countries like Singapore, the UK, and the US, to figure out how the best did it, and what they would advise those who were younger.
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The best social workers DON'T multitask.
They clear their paperwork by focusing on it, in hourly blocks, often when no one else is around, and then they get more time to work with clients.

And then there are the times when you constantly feel tired and with little energy to do more.
You wonder: don't other social workers face this?

The best social workers DON'T overwork.
They are disciplined about keeping work within work hours and getting work done during those work hours. If they want to get work done, they put on headphones to make sure no one disturbs them.
What People Are Saying
- Must-read for fresh social worker grads
- Also, some contrarian points presented (e.g. value you bring vs value you leave behind, permission to sack yourself) which are refreshing changes in perspectives
- More importantly, they’re easy to apply daily
Love the ideas, the images, and the idea. Gives a very positive and good vibe :)
Then there are those meetings, case conferences, which seem to achieve little.
Ever sat in a meeting, and wondered why you were there? Checked your email, and hoped the time passed faster?

The best social workers don't attend ALL meetings.
They ask what value they can bring to the meeting, and what value they can get out of it.
Do you want to find joy and purpose again in work?
Silly question, of course you do.
But sometimes, it's hard, isn't it? Work is hard. Period.
When you face increasing caseloads, administrative burdens, and difficult clients (and colleagues), you find yourself wondering why you got yourself in this field in the first place. You find yourself losing touch with the client and communities you wanted to impact as you drown under the to-do list(s).
Are you ready to have a system that works from the inside-out?
That makes you more efficient with your paperwork, more effective with your clients, and more connected to the communities you're with?
Get Becoming Better Now.
Live. Laugh. Love social work again.

I'm John Lim, a newly-qualified social worker.
Before qualifying, I nearly failed my placement, twice. Since qualifying, I've struggled.
I've found myself wondering what I'm doing in social work when more time is spent in the office, doing paperwork, than with clients.
I've found myself working past 7,8 PM, just to finish my paperwork.
I've found myself at home unable to sleep, worrying about a client.
Maybe that's you today. Struggling, and wondering why you're in social work.
Have you lost hope that things will get better for your client (or even for you)?
It's easy to lose hope, especially when you see no change in your clients. No change in the organisational policies. No change in the systems you're a part of. It can be tempting to throw in the towel, and give up.
Quit social work.
Do you find yourself running out of time?
In Harry Ferguson's (2016) research of 2 different social work sites in the U.K., he found that 39 - 45% of a social worker's time was spent doing administrative work.
"These figures reveal the heavy administrative burden placed on social workers and how their work is subject to significant managerial control, audit and accountability."

The solution is not to find more time, but to do more in less. Say 'no' to more.
Because as Parkinson's Law goes,
Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion.
How do you do more in less?
Introducing... Thriving
a book designed to transform your relationship with social work
You get...
Inside-out understanding
Before you try to even get better at social work, it's vital to understand your strengths. Your skills. What you're interested in.
Then you will see how you can use what you have to do what you do in social work better.
Transformation of the mechanics of social work
All the productivity tips you have from university? They probably didn't work for social work, because you're constantly dealing with crises, unknowns, and volatility. How do you manage this type of work so that you can keep yourself sane?
Connecting Clients and Community
Your role in social work goes beyond the 1 to 1 work. You are the bridge that connects clients and community. That breaks down silos. That makes change possible.
Get started now!
It's time to thrive, and not just survive in social work.
This is not ANOTHER BORING textbook.
Are you tired of the big, theory books you had to read for social work? And promptly left them on the shelf, never to read them again?
This is NOT that book. Here's why.
Engaging Exercises
With exercises that lead you to think about your social work journey, this is a journal for the journey.
Not walls and walls of text that no one reads.

The 3Ps Formula
Rekindle your passion for social work by not just looking at your passion, but what you’re purposed for and your profit motive. Understand how you can gel your skills and interests to love social work again.
Your Citadel of Hope
Discover how to care, love, and attend to your citadel of hope so that you continue to serve from a place of security in social work.
The Letter of Retrenchment
Learn why ‘psychologically’ retrenching yourself can help you to do more effective social work.
Adjusted Autopilot
Find yourself saying ‘yes’ to things, even though you can’t deliver? Find yourself struggling to say ‘no’, even though you really need to? Here’s how to adjust your autopilots, so that you say ‘yes, hell yes!’ to the great things, and ‘nope’ away the good ones.
The Mindsplat
Find yourself struggling to know where to start? Start with a mindsplat to clear your mind, and understand where to start. This helps you remember what you have to do, rather than popping up with new to-dos from minute to minute.
The Plateau Breakthrough
Frustrated at being at the same skill level year after year? Learn how to break out of your plateau in social work through deliberate practice.
The Leader From the Bottom
See how you can lead upwards even if you’re at the bottom of the hierarchy in your organisation.
Connecting Clients and Communities
Understand why you, the social worker, serves as the bridge between clients and communities. Know how you can break down the silos, and build transformation and regeneration into the community.
What Makes This Different
You might be wondering... how much can a book really help me?
is this another self-help book?
There are concepts from self-help, but it is a holistic framework covering what's within you, between yourself and the clients you face, and with the communities you are in.
Will this really help?
The results speak for themselves.
I nearly failed my placement twice in 2 months. But since using the methods in this book, I have gotten a pay-rise.
But what if i don't have time to read?
That's why we started with a graphically designed book, to make the concepts easy to absorb, fun to read, and engaging.
This is an ebook. In a time like COVID, we wanted to make sure that this gets in your hands ASAP.
Yes, the delivery fee is included.
The book will reach you immediately, via a download link that works once.
I was tired of reading all the books out there which had long paragraphs, and little applicable knowledge for direct social work practice.
We hope to help with this book.
Valerie did! She's great. You can reach out to her to do some magic for whatever design work you have too!